Bhagavad Gita

ತ್ರೈಗುಣ್ಯವಿಷಯಾ ವೇದಾ ನಿಸ್ತ್ರೈಗುಣ್ಯೋ ಭವಾರ್ಜುನ ।
ನಿರ್ದ್ವಂದ್ವೋ ನಿತ್ಯಸತ್ತ್ವಸ್ಥೋ ನಿರ್ಯೋಗಕ್ಷೇಮ ಆತ್ಮವಾನ್ ॥೪೫॥
traiguṇyaviṣayā vedā nistraiguṇyo bhavārjuna |
nirdvaṃdvo nityasattvastho niryogakṣema ātmavān ||45||

Gist of the sloka:
Veda's on the superficial level, talks about the relationship with 3 gunas and its effect. O Arjuna, elevate yourself above these 3 gunas and its effect. Come out of the duality and keep your faith in the Lord. Surrender your wellbeing to Him and believe in Him.
So far, Lord Krishna has told us about the results of the wrong interpretation and being superficial in understanding the Veda's. He now lays out the path as to how to surrender oneself to the Lord and proceed.
At the superficial level, the Veda's seems to be talking about worldly matters and relationships with the 3 primary gunas [Satvic – calm, goodness, Rajasic – anger and ferociousness and Tamasic – sleep, lethargy etc.,]. The action of these 3 gunas in various stages, instances of the life is what affects us.
Everyone has a combination of these in different variable % at all times. Only the Lord [& Sri Lakshmi] are above these gunas. The influence of these gunas is what drives us to think and act at various times. Like a person who wears a colored lens, the world looks different so does the action of these gunas.
Veda's at the superficial glance gives out knowledge of the various sacrifices like Ashvamedha, Rajasuya, Putrakameshti etc., for obtaining worldly comforts. People should not stop at this level but try to dig deeper into the meaning and secrets of the Veda's to understand that while these rewards are possible, the inner secret is the knowledge about the Lord and how to obtain mukthi using the same Vedic knowledge.
We should therefore elevate ourselves from the 3 gunas and should be ‘trigunaya vargitharu’. One should therefore breakdown the 3 barriers of the gunas and then reach out to the supreme Lord and His knowledge. Only then can the real progress be made. We should at all times remember that the Lord omnipresent is also present inside us. We should surrender to that Lord who is inside along with our soul, at all times.
When going into and in Dhanya state [meditation on Lord], one should still the mind, to think about the Lord in a concentrated manner and avoid all other distractions. He should be calm with the strong belief in Lord and dedicate/surrender to the mercies of the Lord. One should be peaceful and overcome the 3 gunas [barriers/fences] and reach out to the supreme. If one studies with this mindset the Veda's, we would realize that Veda's purport is the sacred knowledge and not necessarily the worldly aspects.
One should perform all worships, sacrifices, prayers etc., with the knowledge that it’s a service being done to the Lord, who is the indweller in all. There is should be no selfish motives or desires when doing so. Lord who is omnipresent and omni potent would certainly reward such services. After all, who else than the universal Lord can know, what we need at what time and in what form. Lord who knows everything would certainly protect us at all time. It is only our ego or lack of belief which prevents us from elevating ourselves.
This method/process is known as yoga [way forward/solution]. Otherwise the entire life is spent trying to obtain material comforts and little of the sacred knowledge. We should therefore be happy with what the Lord has given and utilize the same to follow His guidance to elevate ourselves. We have to do our bit of duty, as given to us all, with the strong belief that Lord knows the best. Only in this state does mukthi happen. This is the state of mind that one should start on the journey towards the Lord. Once this state is reached, we realize that every sacred text [Veda's etc.,] is only talking about the Lord and nothing else.
If we critically analyze, it clearly means that there are two paths. One which is Karma [action] oriented and one which is knowledge [gynana] oriented. Lord Krishna stresses more on knowledge path.
Questions arises why priority is to gynana; when one can obtain heaven through performances of karma [actions]?
Typically, Veda's are told to have 3 faces – knowledge [gynana], karma [action] and upasana [to meditate, to think of]. Lord Krishna tells that Veda's have only one face - here is only knowledge. There is only knowledge in the Veda's. Other two can be performed after knowing that right knowledge, which is required to perform them. He elaborates that in the next verse.